As part of improving the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of pupils at Trinity & St Michael’s Primary School we ensure that our pupils “regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.”
We promote the basic British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs. This ensures that our “pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.”

During their time in school we expect children to learn:
An understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process,
An understanding that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law
An acceptance that people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour
An understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination
As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, based on clear Christian values, our school actively promotes fundamental British values.
To view our full British Values Policy please click here