Values At Trinity And St.Michael’s
At Trinity and St.Michael’s, our Christian Values can be found in all that we do and are shared and discussed regularly through worship, lessons and around the school. They are the foundation to Jesus’s teachings and we at Trinity believe they underpin the creation of a well-rounded Christian curriculum.

Children are taught to understand the compassion and kindness Jesus showed to those who were suffering or unhappy and follow his example. Children will understand that offering help, caring for others and being sensitive to those who may be suffering not only makes others happier but also creates a fulfillment within ourselves.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If YOU want to be happy, practice compassion.” Dalai Lama
For more information on the value of compassion, click HERE

For more information on the value of courage, click HERE

At Trinity we believe in giving children the courage to believe in themselves, no matter how small the task may seemingly be. It is important that children understand that courage does not refer to great, bold acts but can be found in the every day actions that we do in school.
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, ‘I’ll try again tomorrow’.” Mary Anne Radmacher
At Trinity we understand that all people can make mistakes and this is not a weakness. We help children understand that forgiveness is not just about saying sorry but rather understanding and empathising with others. Without true forgiveness it is impossible to move on from any incident and, in following Jesus’s example, we ensure we are always ready to turn the other cheek and move on.
“When you forgive, you don’t change the past, but you do change the future.” Bernard Meltzer
For more information on the value of compassion, click HERE

For more information on the value of courage, click HERE

At TSM we explore together, what friendship with Jesus means for Christians. Jesus’ example of self‐sacrificial love and commitment to his friends is one that inspires us to place the needs of others above our own and make our friendships faithful and resilient. We encourage an attitude of inclusivity and openness to others, regardless of religious, ethnic or socio‐economic background. We are pro‐active in forming links and building relationships with schools in a wide range of social, cultural and religious settings.
‘I no longer call you servants’, said Jesus………. ‘Instead, I have called you friends.’ John 15.15
Perseverance, closely linked with courage, can be found every day in each class at TSM. The children’s understanding that they must not give up and commit to a task is discussed regularly when tackling new topics in any subject. Pupils at TSM understand that this is not done alone, and we must encourage one another to persevere.
“Fall seven times, stand up eight.” Japanese Proverb.
For more information on the value of compassion, click HERE

For more information on the value of courage, click HERE

The importance of respect, what it means and how it is shown, is discussed regularly with the children at Trinity and St.Michael’s. Respecting others starts with self-respect and we at Trinity help each other to see the good in one another, building each other up and instilling self-respect. Respect is a word seen regularly on our Code of Conduct (our school rules) and we ensure that children understand that they must give respect to others in order to be respected back.
“Nobody can be happy without self-respect.” Rousseau
Following Jesus example, at TSM we believe that an attitude of thankfulness comes from an active appreciation of what we have. We take time to reflect upon the many blessings that we enjoy acknowledging that some people in our own country as well as in the wider world do not have access to basic necessities such as clean air and space and time to play, education, adequate health care, communication technology or even a healthy diet. We allow pupils the opportunity to work for a more just world out of an attitude of thankfulness for all we have.
“All things come from you and of your own do we give you.” 1 Chronicles 29.12
For more information on the value of compassion, click HERE