Admission To Reception Class
If you are applying for a school place for your child who is due to start in Reception, you are required to apply online using the Lancashire County Council website. Applications can be made between the 1st September and 15th January in the academic year before your child is five. For more information on how LCC allocates school places please click here.
Details of the school’s admissions arrangements can be found by clicking the buttons on the right. Please do not hesitate to contact school if you have any queries.

Admissions In-Year
The Governing Body is the Admissions Authority for all in-year admissions. Should you wish to apply for a place for your child to start our school in-year, please telephone the school to discuss your situation. Should a place be available, you will be asked to complete an in-year application form available here.
School will notify you of the outcome within 15 days of applying. If no school places are available, you have a right to appeal. Lancashire County Council administers the appeals process on behalf of the school. Parents can complete the school’s appeal form on Lancashire County Council’s website.
Hard copies of all relevant documents are available from the school office.