Inspired by the words of John Wesley, ‘The World is my Parish’, the children at Trinity and St Michael’s decided to choose environmental charities to support this year. After much research and debate, each class decided on their own charity to support.
What charities did the children of TSM choose?
This year, all of Key Stage Two have investigated environmental charities they feel passionate about. After being given a list of charities to research (seen opposite), each class chose the charity they wanted to support. The children then decided to raise money and discuss other ways we could help the cause.
The charities chosen can be seen below:

Year Three And Five
Year Five and Year Three both chose to support Fauna and Flora International. Fauna and Flora look to help animals and plants in need helping conservation around the world. The children of Year Five and Three both felt that, due to this charity helping so many different areas, any money that was raised didn’t simply help one species but helped them all. They also felt, through research, the charity was dependable and established meaning they could trust where the money was going.
The video opposite tells you a little more about the charity and CLICK ON THE LINK to find out more.
Year Four
Year Four have chosen to support Just One Tree. The Just One Tree charity plants one tree for each £1 raised. Year Four discussed the importance of trees both for our environment and for our own health and felt this charity deserved their support.
The video opposite tells you a little more about the charity and CLICK ON THE LINK to find out more.

Year Six
Year Six have decided to support the Rivers Trust. Here in Croston we have the river Yarrow running through the centre of our village. Year Six felt money raised towards this charity would help our community directly and have started looking at the different ways the class can help clean and maintain our local rivers.
The video opposite tells you a little more about the charity and CLICK ON THE LINK to find out more.