Welcome From The Chair Of Governors
On behalf of the Governors, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Trinity and St Michael’s CE/Methodist Primary School. In this section you will be able to find out more information about the school’s Governors and the work that we do. I lead a very capable Governing Board with the Vice Chair Hannah Humphris. We are a highly committed and dedicated team with a diverse range of skills which enables us to effectively discharge our responsibilities.
As a Governing Board, our purpose is to ensure that a high quality of education is being provided, in a safe, nurturing and Christian environment. We take responsibility for the strategic development of the school by monitoring progress and challenging the school leadership team to maintain the excellent conduct, ethos, and performance expected at Trinity and St Michael’s CE/Methodist Primary School.
The Governors work very closely with the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and all support and teaching staff, supporting them in their commitment to providing pupils with the best possible education, spiritual wellbeing, key social and creative skills, confidence and self-esteem and to help them achieve their full potential. The Governing Board welcomes the ‘open door’ policy afforded to governors by the Headteacher, who proactively encourages governor monitoring visits which aid the role of governance and maximises the opportunities of fully experiencing the normal daily life in the school.
We are a highly successful Christian family school who enjoy excellent relationships with the local community and the Church of England and Methodist Churches. I have two children who attend the school and I experience on a daily basis the relentless commitment of the staff in providing excellent learning opportunities for the children both within and outside the classroom. Relationships are excellent and the staff know their pupils. There are no ‘anonymous’ children in this amazing Christian school, they are all treated individually as unique and special. We can always be contacted through the school office at : bursar@croston-pri.lancs.sch.uk
Victoria Tayler.
Chair of Governors
About The Governing Body
The governing body is the school’s accountable body. We are responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. Our goal is to ensure that your children are part of a successful school which gives them an excellent education and supports their wellbeing.
To make sure this happens the governing body has three main responsibilities:
The governing body is the school’s accountable body. We are responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards.
1. Ensuring clarity of the Christian vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school.
2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school, its pupils and the effective performance management of the staff.
3. Overseeing the financial management of the school and ensure the money is well spent.
The purpose of governance is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance which embeds a Christian vision and seeks to empower all stakeholders to experience ‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).
Our Current School Governors
The different categories of governors on our governing board are:
· Parent governors who have a child in school at the time of their election, and are elected by the parents with children at the school.
· Staff governors who are members of staff at the school and are elected by their colleagues.
· Foundation governors are appointed on to the governing board by Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education and the West Lancashire Methodist Circuit.
· Local Authority governors who are nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the governing body.
· the Headteacher is also a member of the governing body by right of the position they hold in the school.
Committee structure
The full governing body, consisting of every board member, meets once a term (three times a year). In addition to this, there is a sub-committee structure consisting of the following committees:
Standard and Effectiveness Committee – The Standard and Effectiveness Committee provides support and challenges the leadership of the school, holding them to account in relation to the quality of educational provision. This includes: the quality of teaching and learning, pupil progress and outcomes for pupils; the quality of the curriculum provision and delivery; behaviour and safety of pupils.
Click here for the Standard and Effectiveness terms of reference.
Resources Committee – The Resources Committee covers matters relating to the financial performance of the school, pay, personnel and the school premises.
Click here for the Resources Committee terms of reference.
There are also separate Disciplinary and Appeals Committees which are convened if they are required. Additionally, there is a separate Admissions Committee. Committee Chairs may choose to invite other Governors to a meeting on an as required basis to support specific areas of interest to offer specific advice and guidance.
For a full list of the school governors and their areas of responsibility click here.
Governor Attendance And Training Record
For full governor attendance for the academic year 2022-23 please click here.
Register Of Business Interests
Please click here for the Register of Business Interests.
Who Can Be A Governor?
The Governing Body is a diverse group of people from different areas of our community including parents, school staff, people appointed by the local authority and, in the case of faith schools, representation through foundation governors. Foundation governors are appointed especially to preserve and develop the religious character of the school, four from St Michael and All Angels Church, and four from Trinity Methodist Church.