We are privileged at Trinity and St Michael’s to have access to lots of technological devices and our ‘Be Smart Online‘ posters ensure children at school are all aware of how to stay safe when using the internet. For more information on how we ensure children stay safe online at school, look at our ‘Online Safety Policy‘ here.
It is so important to make sure children feel safe using the internet at home. This page is filled with resources to help parents ensure their children are staying safe when online. From safe search engines to how to set up your new devices, you’ll find lots of information to keep your child safe online.
Search engines, such as Google, are the first port of call for many children when going online. Swiggle is a child friendly search engine that ensures children do not access any harmful or adult content.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is a site dedicated to delivering trusted reviews and updates on video games, films and tv shows for families. As well as this, the site has a superb section entitled ‘Parents Need to Know’ where all manner of questions regarding use of internet and technology are answered.
Internet Matters
Internet Matters is a superb website with all manner of information. Of particular note is their page which explains how to set up devices safely and add parental controls.
Twisted Toys
Twisted Toys is an excellent site for older children to learn a little more about the harmful content that can be found online. In a fun and engaging way, adults are able to discuss the harms of games and fun activities online through looking at traditional toys. It is certainly a site adults would have to access WITH children, but, if done so, it could create some interesting and thought-provoking discussions.
As a school we will regularly endeavour to put new and up to date information regarding internet safety on our Twitter account so please follow us @CrostonTSM.